Some say the world will end with fire.

Others say with ice.

From what I've tasted of desire

I hold with those that favor fire.

But if I had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate,

To say that for destruction ice,

Is also great and would suffice.

Robert Frost


"Good things come to those who wait, but, only the things LEFT by those who hustle." - Unknown (at least by me)

"Life is wonderful, without it you are dead." - Hy "Pete" Peterson - Park City and Kenecott Miner

"Don't worry about those people in your past---there is a reason they are not in your present." - Unknown

"Life's tough - it's even tougher if you're stupid." - John Wayne

"The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary!" - Vince Lombardi

"If you aren’t living on the edge, you’re probably taking up too much space.” ~ Attributed to Jim Whittaker by Doug ‘Swani’ Swantner, Alaska Smokejumper and Air Attack Base Manager (Ret.)

About Me

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I am married and have seven children and twenty grandchildren. I retired January 1, 2010 after working 39+ years for the Forest Service...NEW CHAPTER IN MY LIFE HAS BEGUN!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


So I went to see my Doctor today at 3:45 p.m. I was promptly escorted to an examining room at the far back of the office. I sat there patiently until 5:15 p.m. when my Doctor walked through the door and apologized for being so long---I told him that it was OK---he said "NO IT ISN'T---NO ONE TOLD ME YOU WERE IN THIS ROOM."

We talked about why I was there--to get a refill for my AdVair prescription which I told him I didn't think was working all that well and to see if there was a good expectorant that I could try. He listened to my lungs and was very surprised---he told me he couldn't believe the difference since the last visit (when I was just getting over pneumonia). He said he would renew the AdVair for just in case and gave me a new prescription for pills that are supposed to quiet a cough---I would rather have a pill that caused your cough to be productive instead of dry.

Then I told him I was having some pain in my shoulders and wondered if I had torn the rotator cuffs---he had me raise my arms and then lower them a couple of times then he jammed his thumbs into the socket---it hurt like holy H _ _ L. I really flinched and he told me we could do a lot of x-rays and stuff but what we would find is that I had arthritis building up along the joint. He told me for sure there is no rotator cuff damage or I wouldn't be able to lift my arms as freely as I do.

He also told me I was a pretty healthy 60 (nearly) year old man and had to pay the price for all the stuff I did as a kid. He asked me if I wanted to get some prescription ibuprophen---I told him no---I took four of the 200 mg. generic Ibuprophen with one half of an extra strength tylenol when I had really bad pain and 2 if it just hurt a little. He told me that would work better than what he was going to prescribe.

Then he asked me where I came up with the 1/2 extra strength tylenol in the above mix---I told him from the doctor I had 20 years ago for a back injury I had while I was on a fire---it worked then and it still works---he said he was sure it would work because all the tylenol would do was rush the other stuff into the blood stream---and 800 mg. of Ibuprophen would rapidly take away any inflamation and hence the pain---so all y'all (I've been told by the fire team from the south that that's plural for y'all)---there is a free back pain/inflamed joint or muscle prescription from the Doctor I liked the very best of all the Doctors in my life---it really does work.

1 comment:

Lindsay Logic said...

This works great, I've been doing it to try to relieve some of the tension in my neck and the headache that I got because of it. It helps better than Excedrin for tension headaches.
