Some say the world will end with fire.

Others say with ice.

From what I've tasted of desire

I hold with those that favor fire.

But if I had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate,

To say that for destruction ice,

Is also great and would suffice.

Robert Frost


"Good things come to those who wait, but, only the things LEFT by those who hustle." - Unknown (at least by me)

"Life is wonderful, without it you are dead." - Hy "Pete" Peterson - Park City and Kenecott Miner

"Don't worry about those people in your past---there is a reason they are not in your present." - Unknown

"Life's tough - it's even tougher if you're stupid." - John Wayne

"The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary!" - Vince Lombardi

"If you aren’t living on the edge, you’re probably taking up too much space.” ~ Attributed to Jim Whittaker by Doug ‘Swani’ Swantner, Alaska Smokejumper and Air Attack Base Manager (Ret.)

About Me

My photo
I am married and have seven children and twenty grandchildren. I retired January 1, 2010 after working 39+ years for the Forest Service...NEW CHAPTER IN MY LIFE HAS BEGUN!

Sunday, June 22, 2008


1. Where is your cell phone? Belt
2. Your significant other? Creative
3. Your hair? Gray
4. Your mother? Old
5. Your best friend? Smart
6. Your favorite thing? Naps
7. Your dream last night? Forgotten
8. Your favorite drink? Coke
9. Your dream/goal? Retirement
10. The room you're in? Basement
11. Your children? Grown
12. Your fear? Failure
13.Where do you want to be in ten years? Somewhere
14.Where were you last night? KMart
15. What you're not? Wimpy
16. Muffins? Blueberry
17. One of your wish items? Money
18. Where you grew up? Haven't
19. What you read last? Parker
20. What are you wearing? Wranglers
21. Your tv? Sports
22.Your pets? Siamese
23.Your computer? Slow
24. Your life? Screwed
25. Your mood? Pissed
26. Missing someone? Kids
27. Your car? Pickup
28. Something you're not wearing? Earrings
29. Favorite Store? Dollar
30. Your summer? Fires
31. Like someone? many
32. Your favorite color? Blue
33. Last time you laughed? Morning
34. Last time you cried? Afternoon
35. Your favorite thing? Family

1 comment:

Native Minnow said...

See mine in Gilbert-Girl's comments section