Some say the world will end with fire.

Others say with ice.

From what I've tasted of desire

I hold with those that favor fire.

But if I had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate,

To say that for destruction ice,

Is also great and would suffice.

Robert Frost


"Good things come to those who wait, but, only the things LEFT by those who hustle." - Unknown (at least by me)

"Life is wonderful, without it you are dead." - Hy "Pete" Peterson - Park City and Kenecott Miner

"Don't worry about those people in your past---there is a reason they are not in your present." - Unknown

"Life's tough - it's even tougher if you're stupid." - John Wayne

"The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary!" - Vince Lombardi

"If you aren’t living on the edge, you’re probably taking up too much space.” ~ Attributed to Jim Whittaker by Doug ‘Swani’ Swantner, Alaska Smokejumper and Air Attack Base Manager (Ret.)

About Me

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I am married and have seven children and twenty grandchildren. I retired January 1, 2010 after working 39+ years for the Forest Service...NEW CHAPTER IN MY LIFE HAS BEGUN!

Sunday, December 30, 2007


Has been a very interesting vacation this year. I have done more nothing this winter than any other period of my life. I have watched more TV than I can imagine and look forward to getting out of the house to do anything.

I watched the Patriots knock off the Giants last night and really thought the Patriots had choked when they fell behind 12 points---just goes to show you there are great athletes out there today who don't quit---even in games that don't mean anything.

We went North to look at Christmas lights last week---insanity?---probably but it was a good trip and I enjoyed it.

I went to a dedication of a firefighter memorial yesterday for a firefighter who lost his life in 2006. It was very nicely done and there were many, many people there to participate. He was a great guy and it is too bad he died. I have struggled with his death and have finally been able to accept it.

One of my good friends has told me over and over that we have chosen (note chosen) a dangerous occupation and when we are all through with our careers we can look back and be thankful that we made it through alive. He has also told me I have to let it go---not to stop remembering but to stop letting it eat on me---I think I have been able to do that now....and I really do appreciate my friend that has tried so hard to get me through this. Friends like that are hard to come by---we were together on a fire team for over 14 years so we know each other pretty well. I am sorry he has retired.

1 comment:

PsychDoctor said...

What do you mean games that don't mean anything? They made history with the longest undefeated season in NFL history...the Dolphins did it in 1972, but played less games...But I'm glad there are athletes that take it seriously... Dr. Psycho