Some say the world will end with fire.

Others say with ice.

From what I've tasted of desire

I hold with those that favor fire.

But if I had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate,

To say that for destruction ice,

Is also great and would suffice.

Robert Frost


"Good things come to those who wait, but, only the things LEFT by those who hustle." - Unknown (at least by me)

"Life is wonderful, without it you are dead." - Hy "Pete" Peterson - Park City and Kenecott Miner

"Don't worry about those people in your past---there is a reason they are not in your present." - Unknown

"Life's tough - it's even tougher if you're stupid." - John Wayne

"The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary!" - Vince Lombardi

"If you aren’t living on the edge, you’re probably taking up too much space.” ~ Attributed to Jim Whittaker by Doug ‘Swani’ Swantner, Alaska Smokejumper and Air Attack Base Manager (Ret.)

About Me

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I am married and have seven children and twenty grandchildren. I retired January 1, 2010 after working 39+ years for the Forest Service...NEW CHAPTER IN MY LIFE HAS BEGUN!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


OK it looks like the second round of bailout money will pass the House this week and Obama will have his first best chance to gain respect. His major promise is that the bonuses that get paid out of this money need to be reduced to $.5 million per person for the companies that get the bailout money....that's a little tough for me to take.....but not as tough as the damn banks that got the last go round of the money that used it to buy other banks that were nearing failure in order to bolster their bottom line. They did not make any loans to help increase spending to help turn the recession around. This is one of the biggest examples of greed in America that has ever been demonstrated and they did it on the backs of our unborn generation and we're not out even starting out of the recession. By the time the second authorization is passed out we will have put somewhere in the neighborhood of $1.76 TRILLION dollars into a quick fix of the economy. I don't claim to have the answer but I for one do not think this is it.

Koby Bryant IS a great athlete - he single handedly set a one person scoring record in Madison Square Garden of 61 points - that in and of itself is a great accomplishment. BUT Kobe will never be the greatest scorer in history - that will remain with Wilt Chamberlain - I can clearly remember the night he scored 100 points - his entire team's score for the game. He went on a scoring drive that entire year. I don't have a clue how many points he scored but it was a huge number. The next year he came back and worked exclusively on his defense. He worked very hard at defense and let the others work on scoring - he shut all of the players he guarded down - through excellence and through intimidation - he will go down in my book as the greatest defensive player of all time as well as the greatest scoring player of all time - it just wasn't at the same time. Michael Jordan will remain the best (most colorful and remembered) dunker in the history of the game. I don't think there will ever be a single individual with as much will to win as he had. I will never forget him single handedly defeating the Jazz in the finals when he had a fever of over 1o3 degrees. His eyes appeared glazed over but he just kept dunking the ball and putting the Jazz back behind - he did it all night long - every time the Bulls needed to score he scored.

OBAMA MADE A MISTAKE? Yup he selected Tom Daschle who owed over $128,000 in back taxes and penalties. Sure he paid them after he got the nod for the position. Why not before? He hated to part with his hard earned money.

Georgia basketball - The Bulldogs can do a lot better than to hire Bobby Knight as their coach. Sure he has won a lot of games - both at Indiana and at Texas Tech - but he has gone a long. long time without winning games during March Madness - HE'S LOST THE EDGE - and he's way too hotheaded for todays game with todays tender athletes. He needs to stick to commentating on the games on TV. He has a remarkable basketball mind but he has an even more remarkable temper. If you think he can contain it call me and I'll fill you in on personal experiences with him.

Time flies when you're having fun - gotta get some sleep.


~Kris said...

I agree with you about the economy. Now that they are offering bailouts, everyone wants one.
I want one.

Lindsay Logic said...

I have a hard time with all the Economic Melt-down crap. It's really annoying to watch where all the money goes, and how quickly. Makes me glad that I don't have kids that will have to pay it back at some point.

Native Minnow said...

I want a bail out too. Can't we just forgive all the student loans? Wouldn't that stimulate the economy too?

Kobe is a great athlete, but he's still a prick.

The Tom Daschle appointment was a mistake. At least Obama admitted as much. I think that's the biggest difference between him and the last guy we had in there.